Classic Rock-Radio
We Stream Wave.- Better Sound -Better Music
My Life of Music
My Studio
Entry one --Flute-You've Got To Hide Your Love Away, I had too much to Dream (last night), Gloria, Laugh Laugh, Remember ( Walking in the Sand), Doo Wah Diddy, I Will Follow Him, Time of the Season, Heartful of Soul, Good Vibrations, My Girl, Yesterday, You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin, For Your Love, Eve Of Destruction, Secret Agent Man, Goldfinger, Theme from Mission Impossible in (5,4Time), (Flute)The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction", Good Lovin, Happy Together, and Elenore, Let's Live For Today, She's Not There, These Boots Are Made For Walkin, Wild Thing, I'd Wait A Million Years, Hang On Sloopy!!!!!
To really experience the atmosphere of the time all the music is on and can be played on You Tube
My Journey from my love of music to creating a Radio Station starts as a child . The flute lessons and practicing by my sister was to a captive audience, me, around 3 years old, me being the baby sitting duty. Even now I know that was great pleasure as I was receiving much attention with this thing a flute. I was watching my sister produce, this sound that I never heard anywhere else. Between her 45's and her flute playing, I was loving the attention even though it was big sister law and order. I loved the radio especially the radio my mother listened to while ironing downstairs (cooler during summer) and my grandmothers big floor (1950's) model when we visited her in the U.P. The other great things about visiting grandmas, my parents would show us kids photos of all the relatives and places far away and that whole feel far away and music and radio (U.P.) different was very appealing. Early on by the age of 7 my father rigged up a old car radio (donated by my Uncle) with a made wooden frame with Car antenna sticking out to make it look like desk model of the early radios. It was powered by a battery charger also donated by my Uncle. From that point on I fell asleep with the radio on next to my bed. It was not heard from outside my bed but it was turned off (my mother) often by morning. I was listening to late night radio shows on weekends and a few talk and music. It showed me I loved the late part of radio, the clear channel hearing of New York and East Coast stations and hearing music heard there and not here in Chicago. I found that music during the day was less interesting. By age 9, I got my first real good radio, a Clock radio from Walgreens as a Christmas gift. It was a upgrade to stations I could hear but, I kinda missed some of the static I had on my home made box radio. When we went to the park for swimming the concession stand had indoor seating and JukeBox where I would always put some of my money for hearing the new Jan and Dean, Drifters or Beach Boys. The drummers all tried to reproduce Wipeout including my friend down the street who (2 years older) understood the effect of Musicians on girls. What my sister was playing on her phonograph was not what I was seeking out. The Beatles hit and my sister was buying the music and the paperbacks about the Beatles. I found my self reading the paperbacks looking at the photos but not actively seeking their music out. Maybe because my sister was playing it all the time with Bob Dylan, Donovan and Frankie Valley and the Four Seasons. For me Beatles Music early on was about girls, love etc. The paperbacks and magazines where more entertaining and talk radio with music ruled my radio listening and the later in the night and farther away the better. I was doing good in school so late night radio listening was not concerning to my parents and they thought was, Music and radio is a good hobby or passion. The late Night radio personalities seemed to know just the right amount of talk and music mix. The Rolling Stones, Kinks, Animals and the Who had started to get my attention and also part of it was being different from of main stream Beatles Fans. Elvis was a movie star so the music did not appeal to me as it seem a area that girls and women were the fans. The stations I liked did not play Elvis. My Father bought a Pool Table from Montgomery Wards for Christmas and was to keep me from getting me into trouble as it would get the kids from the neighborhood to come and play pool under a watchful eye of Mom and Dad. It worked, by summer two other families had bought a pool table for their homes and we rotated to each house to play. In the background was always music from the radio playing. Hullabaloo and Shindig take on American Bandstand. Oct 1966 - FM Rock Radio Debuts on WOR in NYC.
Entry 2-Flute- Along Comes Mary, California Dreaming, Flower Power, Hair, Dizzy, Mony Mony, Mini Skirts, The Rain The Park and Other Things, Brand New Key, Incense & Peppermints, Chain Of Fools, Dear Mr Fantasy, Gimme Some Lovin, Nights In White Satin, Wild Thing, On The Road Again, I got a Line on You, San Francisco, You Keep Me Hangin' On,Let's Live For Today, Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Was In" "Hush",With A Little Help From My Friends, Space Oddity, Let's Live For Today, a White shade of Pale, Dirty Water, Summer in the City, Pushin' Too Hard.
The first 45 I actually bought was- I Got You Babe- and this not so much it was good but it was because that all the early TV Shows where they appeared the look of Cher is nothing I've seen and and yet I see her as girl down the street. By the 8th grade all the girls had some influence from Cher & Michelle Phillips . The interesting thing I noticed is in Art Class where I liked being is that Girls where so much more a place where their personalities came out. . Rebellion came in with the slowly inching up the skirt and as guys where growing their hair. The song San Francisco and most videos attached to it, reflects what guys where seen and girls where wearing in a toned down version at school as they try to deal with this act of independence. The Flower in your Hair became a literal as young people set about to go to San Francisco. The Eighth grade best Art Class would do the Graduation party and our class was picked as best talented to put it together. We submitted Tropical theme and I got to construct the Palm trees, it was fun and they let us play records that were on the radio. It is where the girls were different, more than a smart adversary and also these where the girls that came from all over the area as opposed the neighborhood girls I new my whole life. The Radio stations I was listening too was mostly at night because Top 40 it seemed to be the songs that girls would buy, but at night it was different.WBCN-FM Boston the change has begun and FM stereo and the free format takes over which was taking over the Rock music from the inside out. Even though I could not hear it because FM has shorter range the success about this FM Rock station spread fast which included giving their listeners info and support on help to end the Vietnam war. They became a great success and this idea of radio quickly spread across the United States. WLS- AM was doing 4 or 5 hr kinda underground but with restraints on the weekends. I was going from Talk and Rock depending the mood. By the end of the Eighth grade I knew Art would be part of my life. When you listen to Rock radio late at night and you hear the breaking news in real time more than during the day as I heard about the assignation of RFK in real time. Freshman year was rough as all new people and all my friends are in classes that are defining them, ninth grade sucked (Freshman year, first real experience with real bullies, apparently not hitting puberty is ripe for ridicule, long year). Music was my place of comfort and all these new bands and new music was a great place to be. By ninth grade the school had start checking the length of girls skirts yet they won't let them wear pants. Rebellion came in the slowly inching up the skirt as guys where growing their hair including me. Music was the driving force for many as they tried to cope with Vietnam War, the Dead Count on the Evening News and the Draft Lottery. By the end of 1969 some of the best music ever had been produced, the sound of women on the air being air personalities was very appealing to listen to. Woodstock had give us hope that there would be some sanity in the World. I was in the middle of all this, what better way to be a freshman in High School. Then there was Grace Slick and Janis Joplin all this great music became part of my soul. This summer my friend down the street was having friends from school (private school) over bringing girls. It was a little too intimidating for me, the girls couple years older and very nice and one offered to take me into the room but I declined, but that gave me a direction and feeling there will be a right time later. This summer as I look back it was interesting because it happened to me the girlfriend of my friend flashed me. My friend was playing Drums with a bunch of guys but their goal was attracting girls and it worked. They did not really have much more of a agenda than that.
Entry 3- The Flute, Aquarius, Going up the Country, Timothy Leary's Dead- Legend of a mind, The Letter, 96 Tears, Lay Down, Lucky Man, Crimson and Clover, Give Peace a Chance, Itchykoo Park, For What It's Worth, Let's Live For Today, Sugar Sugar,Whole Lotta Love, Kicks, Mr. Tambourine Man, Green Tambourine, 21st Century Schizoid Man, I Heard It Through The Grapevine, Lay Lady Lay, Born to be Wild, Good Times, With A Little Help From My Friends, Paint it Black, Fortunate Son, Gimme Gimme Good Lovin, I'd Love to Change the World, Time Has Come Today, The Boy Down the Street Comes home in a Casket
Few things that are so defining as when my friend on the block coming home in a casket. It was tough time to catch the news and Music was the place I could go to feel normal. The music was at its Zenith with anti War songs. The things at school seemed so trite as students grouped into their own clicks. I became the group with a mix of friends from junior high and conformation class, truly a group that grades was the focus, to go to college and get a deferment. For me at that point High School was a place to get through and focus on getting into college. The girls were pushing the limits on the dress codes daily and I just let my hair grow until my father would say something as he had cut my hair all my life and he understood that the length was being rebellious, he grew up on a farm where hair length was not high on importance list. My softmore year because ROTC ( hair off the ears and collar) was a graduation requirement, I wanted to take one fun class, Photography but my father said take an academic class, he would build a darkroom in the basement and teach me how to develop black and white film give me some instruction in taking photos as he did photography during the war. As soon as the darkroom was done in the basement my dad took me to a camera store with photography developing equipment and chemicals. It was a real bonding experience and seeing the black and white photos come to life as they developed truly like magic. As my softmore year went on, the body count on TV was hard watch and the anti war music was at its height. The darkroom became that spot with a radio and music on weekends staying up late, everything was OK. The counselor at school had contacted me for a look at what was my goals. As I found out later that he was going out of his way to motivate the students following the academic track to go to college to avoid the draft with high grades. With a scholarship and a deferment to possibly have the war would end before college graduation. It is been said that Nixon had devised the big amount of availability of scholarship funds for A and B high school students to keep them safer from war. A reoccurring theme my English teachers just out of College, they where great to look at and my softmore teacher was playing Beatles, Joan Biaz and Melanie Albums in the six weeks of Poetry segment of English class. The other distraction was all girls especially the ones who did their own thing. By the end of my softmore year my father was less a backer of the war when the neighbor boy came home in a casket. Students at Kent State were killed. Looking toward my Junior year it was just again get through it as Photography and Music helped me get through days. Hair is On Broadway.
Entry 4 - Flute- Spill The Wine, I Talk To The Wind, Living In The Past, White Room, DeJa Vu, War, Mama Told Me Not to Come, Riders On The Storm, Ohio, 21st Century Schizoid Man, White Rabbit, Evil Ways, Magic Bus, Let it Be, Spirit In The Sky, All Right Now, Tommy, Baby Blue, Cinnamon Girl, Closer To Home, American Woman, The Tears Of A Clown, Layla, My Sweet Lord, Make It With You, Ain 't No Mountain High Enough, Jumpin' Jack Flash, Sky Pilot, Black Magic Woman, Riders On The Storm, Born To Be Wild, Ball of Confusion (That's What the World Is Today)
My junior year was a little better as a whole but the war was at the dinner table every night with death tolls. Classes were good and A's and B's .The word was the school was being sued for length of hair requirements and unreasonable dress codes plus the requirement of ROTC for boys to graduate but not girls. I was hoping the ROTC requirement would be abolished this year as I had to take the second year requirement my Junior year. By mid year the dress code was shredded because of hair length could not be for boys and not require girls .The basic idea that a school could require a set of clothes as specific as no pants for girls and no Pea coats or Army Fatigues were not allowed. What the High School didn't realize that many of these Army and Navy clothing was what students had to hold on to a brother off to War or worst dead, a casualty of War. It was also a barrier for families who could not afford to have the their kids with new clothes and shoes every begriming of the school year. If I had not grew out of my clothes I would wear them the next year. Resale, Army Surplus and Salvation Army shops were big with kids as the Hippy movement look took hold and this seemed bother the parents really allot. When the dress code went away it was fun for us students and very disconcerting to parents. I spent allot of time in my darkroom developing my black and white photos with music from the radio playing which helped me get away from all the war news. The exceleration of the war was an even more incentive to get A's and B's. English class was again where music was used to illustrate poetry class and even more than just the Beatles. Some of the older English teachers were jealous of the attention these just out of college teachers were getting by the students as some teachers even came in to sit in on poetry class. Rock Opera Jesus Christ Superstar is on Broadway. The crisis in Bangladesh was important to address by George Harrison with The Concert For Bangladesh. For Christmas my Father had gotten a Stereo with Reel to Reel deck from my sister and her newlywed husband who was in the Navy and got leave in Japan and shipped the Stereo for my Father for Christmas. My dad liked to listen to his station with old time music and I got to play with the reel to reel deck. My mother continued to listen to her radio downstairs, as I look back it was like me, it was her time to just iron and listen to her stations very peaceful.
Entry 5- The Flute, Aqualung, Just My Imagination, What's Going On, Black Magic Woman, If You Could Read My Mind, Family Affair, It's Too Late, It Don't Come Easy, That's The Way I've Always Heard It Should Be, Your Song, Lonely Days, Get It On (Bang A Gong), Me and Bobby McGee, It's Too Late To Turn Back Now", Imagine, Joy to the World, I got a line on you, I'm Your Captain, Soul Sacarfice, Smiling Faces Sometimes
Spent the summer in my darkroom after taking photos of mainly landscapes with exception of some girls. Senior year, just get through it with good grades so I can get a scholarship. The students took full advantage of no dress code and hair went long and straight, skirts went short and the true fashion of the time was in full force. The girls that always got my attention where the girls that put it together from all styles and generations, but peasant dresses and short skirts with girl wearing glasses just did it for me. Took 2 college level courses my senior year to get credit. Will be hearing from the scholarship commission soon. Not looking forward to registering for the draft. I made the wrong time to go the john during study time in class as I came upon two guys smoking and for as reminder that I was not one of them, he sucker punched me to reinforced his dominance and get me not to say anything as he kinda held back a little on the punch while maybe trying to convince his friend he is in his click. My friend got a car so most times I got a ride home from school. I being a geeky kinda of guy, girls did not give me the time of day. It was O K because the goal is go to college. The War is hanging over every decision I make. I had my brother who graduated from college and my sister who graduated and became an RN (Nurse). The result of the draft and deferments did create the best educated generation ever. My father pretty much said the stereo was mine since I spent much time using the Reel to Reel deck to play, experiment and just have fun. FM stations where the ones I listened to but WLS and WCFL both AM top 40 were battling and giving away things and once I won an album from them I would try on a regular basis to win albums. One evening the prize was a camera, I won a Polaroid camera from WLS and once again my creativity was enhanced. The marketing for Polaroid should have been Photograph your Wife or Girlfriend Nude without sharing it with your local film developer. By the middle of my senior year I had got on the Dean's list. Yet I spent Christmas break with the flu and my savior was my radio. Deans List is great, never been, it will help in getting a Scholarship. My father says he retiring as he will hit the age 63, this is the first real time I acknowledge that I have a older father than most and it really didn't make a difference. This is relative easy to keep the grades to stay on the Deans list. By March, I found out I had received 4 year Scholarship, a sense of relief came over me and my parents. The pick of a School, a University. Music is place to celebrate, Strawberry Fields and Dog Ear Records are the place to find the latest albums and it, was a way to get away from the pressing issues which along with book stores were great places to disappear for awhile. The next decision was what to study, so Mom says business, my father, something in science (as a young person it was easy for me to grow things in the family garden and at the time I really didn't understand that is hard to grow things successfully), and I want to do is Art and Photography. We compromise and Business with Art minor. This will be the road to follow as it seems the best decision. My end of my Senior year was marred by a bully in last day of Gym class as we were just playing basket ball in teams. As you would think that all was easy going but as some one threw me the ball to shoot up the ball on the side of the basket and as I threw it up a guy (bully) came through to try to get the ball and sent me in to the brick wall and I hurt really bad . I was sent to the Nurse (much later finding out my collar bone was broken). I was sent to the nurse not knowing how bad it was at the time, she gave me an aspirin thinking I was faking to out of class and sent me back to class. At times my mother would make me cringe as she always had our backs but this time my mother let the school and nurse have it for the lack of any kind of help for her son and she made me proud of her. I attended my Graduation in a sling and had the girl next to me move my Tassel to the other side as I couldn't do it. I was happy to get out of High School as it was just a way to a means as I have Full Ride for Four years and now just get some fun for summer. I did recover by mid July and my Brother in law got me a job delivering catalogues and 3rd class type mail. A van with meet us in an area and we would span out delivering. The only perks to this was the girls that delivered were so more mature than high school, it was very very appealing and with no dress code to deliver truly flower girls. On breaks often a house of delivery persons and lighting up was the break. I choose at the time to turn them down and they were fine with that, very easy going. The escalation of the War is not helping the state of mind for many people. Once again the Music that is being created is just incredible the only thing that is helping to keep many people engaged trying to end the War. to be continued...
Entry 6- Flute-Stairway To Heaven, Isn't Life Strange, Procession, Undun, Lost In A Lost World, Signs, You Wear it Well, Won't Get Fooled Again, "Ain 't No Sunshine", L.A. Woman, Proud Mary, Just My Imagination, Love Her Madly, Maggie May, Aqualung, Roundabout, American Pie, Hot Love, You've Got a Friend, Treat Her Like a Lady, Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey, My Sweet Lord, I Just Want to Celebrate, Here Comes the Sun, Heart Of Gold, Let's Stay Together, A Horse With No Name, Doctor My Eyes, Tumbling Dice, Hold Your Head Up, Smokin in the Boys room, Run Run Run, All Right Now, Along Comes Mary, Ventura Highway, RoundAbout, Heart of Gold, 30 Days in the Hole
The First day as college student as I walked into the student Union, playing on the Student radio station, It's All Right Now by Free. I have found a place to let me expand my life and be free. I spent my Freshman year in taking all classes to meet some of the Universities graduation requirements before starting going after my Economics (Business) Requirements. I also, to keep me creatively fresh, started taking Photography classes at the local Community college. My graduation and birthday present was a down payment on a car and to get me to be responsible with a small car loan for the rest (cosigned) so that meant a job. My Scholarship covered the tuition and fees. Getting there and back meant a job was needed and my mother sent me out to get a job and I found one at the local grocery store. Plus the job would also help me buy film and developing supplies for my darkroom and pay for Photography classes. I really don't remember most of college courses the first year except the Biology class as it was more of out of the class learning, very new in classes, where teachers graduating in the late sixties and early seventies where new innovators in education. Similar to the new English teachers in High school I had who taught poetry with Beatles, Joan Biaz and Judy Collins records. I still remember that the girls where very appealing as independent, strong opinions and very forward and not afraid to let me know how smart they were. The very traits I would find in my wife years later. FM radio had taken over most of my daytime radio listening but at night it was talk with music that was what I liked. I still would listen to WLS and WCFL to try to win tickets to concerts and got good at tuning in at the right time to try to win tickets. I did win my first concert tickets to see was the Doobie Brothers. I was good at winning the music the radio stations where giving away and got some great albums that I use on my radio station today. The first thing I put in my car was a 8-Track Player, that was because I Won a 8 Track of the best of Moody Blues from WLS, and remember WLS was AM station. I started recording FM stations playing Whole Albums on the Reel to Reel and was my version of Mixed tape. The Midnight Special Begins.. Led Zeppelin Largest Stadium Concert. Nixon had the Vietnam war ended and also ended the draft lottery so I and my parents were relieved. A friend down the street, his mother liked riding horses and her girlfriend younger (23) came over often to play cards with her and she was the first woman who just made me speechless. Needless to say I liked to play cards again and my friend (probably liked her too) was willing to play even though it meant hanging with his mother and her friend. I could get her attention at my age but would always say your so cute for your age. Not what I wanted to hear but it was fun and she was getting over someone so she seemed to enjoy my mature attempts at getting her attention. I had asked this checker at the grocery store to a movie and pizza as she was the hippy flower girl I had imagined that would have went to San Francisco and she was her and was a little too of a free spirit but so much fun. I sensed I was a little cautious for her and we parted but I saw the direction I liked in girls.To be continued........
Entry 7 -Flute-Thick as a Brick, Day After Day, Superstition, You're So Vain, Reelin' In The Years. Crocodile Rock, No More Mr. Nice Guy, Cisco Kid, (The Flute) Frankenstein, Tubular Bells, Long Train Runnin, Right Place Wrong Time, Hocus Pocus, Give Me Love, Will It Go Round In Circles, Kodachrome, Brother Louie, Rocky Mountain Way, We're An American Band, Ramblin' Man, Photograph, Half Breed, Who's That Lady, Hello It's Me, Angie, The Joker, Rebel Rebel, Smokin' In The Boys Room, Nothing From Nothing, Rock & Roll Hoochie Koo, Rock On, Killer Queen, Band On The Run, Help Me, I Shot The Sheriff, Radar Love, Dreamer, Rikki Don't Lose That Number, Come and Get Your Love, Do It Til' You're Satisfied, You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet, Can't Get Enough, Bad Company, 30 Days In The Hole, The Dark Side of The Moon, Papa Was A Rolling Stone, Go All The Way
My Softmore year was very similar to my freshman year and as I took the rest of the Universities basic graduation requirements except Language requirement. The counselor suggested I take it at my local community school as it would probably be easier as I never had any Language and all I had to do was transfer the credits. That was easy, 3 days that I was at the University MWF classes and Spanish, 2 days TTh at the Community college. Ted Nugent and the Amboy Dukes were to play at the community college, not on my radar yet. It seemed to go real fast this year and the grocery store job was great for gas, car payment, music, film and developing chemicals. I had set classes so they would end by 2 in the afternoon so I could work at the grocery store. There was a very marked difference as students seemed to ease back into a war less future. The FM stations had taken over for good music and hearing new artists. Yet it was fun to win stuff from WLS and WCFL. At late night talk was a guy who knew Chicago really well, all the neighborhoods as he was a cab driver in his former life. He interacted on the phone with graveyard shift of Chicago and played their requests, great radio. It was great to see the school where I was going to a city that never sleeps. Great conversation, great music. The One of my favorite things to do was go to Dog Ear Records or Strawberry Fields. Going to the University had its perks, Greek town was on the way to classes from the train station when I took the train to school. It was a place for great food and as is Little Italy. I took Ecology class as science requirements and it was like being in a summer camp for adults, studying by going to the lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, bogs and Dunes. I became an Environmentalist in that class. The Exploration of downtown Chicago was now a regular as I had to find the Stadium for the Doobie Brothers Tickets I won at WLS to the pair of Jeans I won on WCFL but had go to the jean shop in downtown Chicago to get them as they advertised on WCFL. A checker that was the definition of a flower girl got my attention and we went to a movie and then pizza, she was the true free spirit just a little too free for me, great person. This was a lucky year. I also won 2 tickets from WCFL to the screening of the movie Tommy as I remember it was also a theater downtown the State Lake Theater and I have all the promo movie literature including the original album movie sound track of Tommy. To be continued........
Entry 8
Flute-You Are The Woman, Love Alive, Tell Me Something Good, Can't Get Enough Of Your Love, Babe, Dreamer, Whatever Gets You Through The Night, Sweet Home Alabama, You're Sixteen, Bennie and The Jets, The Loco-Motion, Sundown,You're No Good, Best Of My Love, Can't Get It Out Of My Head, My Eyes Adored You, Love Hurts, Lady, Lady Marmalade, Shining Star, How Long, I'm Not In Love, Sister Golden Hair, Wish You Were Here, Fame, Fire, Miracles, Ballroom Blitz, Low Rider, Bohemian Rhapsody, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, Black Water, Listen To What The Man Said, One Of These Nights,
My Junior year was the year to change how I saw everything in the future and it happened by accident. For one of the requirements for Economics is statistics, so they were offering two different times one at 8 am and 11am . Me not a morning person I immediately choose the 11. There was starred stuff underneath the class description but as you take allot of different classes it usually is a lab fee or special requirement. As usual by this time a junior I didn't really read it. I didn't find out what it said until the first day of class and what it said was with computer methods. I did not panic but there was some concern. It was to learn to write Basic computer language and do problems and solve equations with the computer by writing small programs to solve them. Later we used to predict the outcome of 10 stocks we followed for 8 weeks and then predict what were they would be in 12 weeks with a program written and run and check the the computers results with after 12 weeks and what happened in the real world. The class was fun and what sealed the deal was a girl at another terminal in the room (50 terminals in the math and business building) was flirting with me at my terminal and I didn't know where she was in the room at her terminal. I did not have the skills yet to figure out what terminal, so I stood up and figured it out when she started laughing. The next time I registered for classes I looked for classes with computer methods and would be a class for graduation requirements. Science requirements one more class and I would pick Genetics with computer requirements. This was again fun and we would predict Fruit Fly characteristics (Curled Wings, White eyes, etc.) and then see in real life crosses if it matched the computer predicted numbers. This again was fun as this time at the Science and Engineering building, 50 terminals and girls in class were so much smarter (pre med class) than me, once again fun. What was the best part about it was that I found that computer terminals where open 24 hrs a day 7 days a week for the access for computer science majors and grad students and any one taking a class with computers. So coming to school at night and spend time all nighters was fun. Just seeing what other things were being done in other classes was fun. There was kind of protective info about 24 open terminals so students who needed to use them could use them without too much looking for an open terminal. The next bit of info was the best, once you created a account for a class with computer methods it followed you until you graduated and it was almost impossible to use up the time allotted for a student after creating the account with your first computer class. So basically you could show up at terminals at one of 5 different dept's. and if open do what you wanted. The school encouraged the student to explore its real abilities and created a great computer dept. PLATO (Programmed Logic for Automatic Teaching Operations) was introduced to us at the University in science classes (computer-assisted instruction system) which was using it in their education environment. They introduced it in Genetics and Chemistry class.The way to decompress was to listen to won the rock stations and try to win something. I won tickets from WLS for Jethro Tull but couldn't' make it so I sold them to a guy I worked with at the grocery store and spent the money on more records. My grocery job gave a way to purchase a new camera and the place to try it out was a concert and proceeded to ask a checker to go to the Fleetwood Mac concert with me. She loved the concert more than me but once again fun. As she put it, your long hair and love of photography and music, it portrays a little danger, when you are a teddy bear. The photos came out good but having lawn seats I could only get as close as the back row of the seats walkway to photograph Fleetwood Mac. I had to save enough money to the next step as to get a telephoto lens. I continue to take a few photography classes at the Community college. Just before Summer ends Labor Day Weekend WDAI Plays a 3 day in studio produced Woodstock style Concert called Fantasy Park in which I start to Record on the Reel to Reel Tape Deck recording over any thing else that just different music in experimenting with tape deck. I immediately go to Montgomery Wards to get 5 more Reel to Reels to record the 3 Day Fantasy Park Concert. I stay up the first night and nap through the rest just enough to flip the tape or change it. It was fun to listen to it as they played it sounded pretty real. While picking up my check, my coworker at the grocery store I worked with had gotten Led Zeppelin Tickets (I didn't even try to get them at ticket ron outlet-Carsons stand in line, had a class) it was to seal the deal with a girl he going out with and for my great luck she dumped him and said her new boyfriend got great seats. He said he wasn't going, his trauma my luck, he asked me if I wanted buy them as I cashed my check. I said yes and gave him and extra ten dollars for him to go buy some thing to ease the pain. This is a great thing as I figure if I don't have a date by then just sell the seat and make some money for a Macro Lens for my camera. The seats were nose bleed seats and the taking any photo from that point was a waste of money and security keep you from wandering to other sections to get a photo opportunity. To be continued....
Entry 9
Flute - Lowdown, Big Tree Blue Sea, Dreamboat Annie, JailBreak, Run With The Pack, Dreamweaver, Oh What a Night, Dream On, Let Em In, Kiss and Say Goodbye, Don't Fear the Reaper, Devil Woman, Play That Funky Music, Fly Like An Eagle, New Rose, Anarchy In The UK, More Than A Feeling, The Rubberband Man, Night Moves, Sir Duke, 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover, Hotel California, Dec 1963 (Oh What A Night, If You Leave Me Now, Rock'n Me, Bohemian Rhapsody, Silly Love Songs, Love Hurts, Show Me the Way, Livin' Thing, All By Myself, Rhiannon (Will You Ever Win), Baby, I Love Your Way, Sara Smile, Somebody to Love, The Boys Are Back in Town, Love is the Drug, A Little Bit More, Fooled Around & Fell in Love, Hurricane, Evil Woman, Magic Man, Got to Get You Into My Life, Take it to the Limit, Love Really Hurts Without You, She's Gone, Fool to Cry, You're My Best Friend,
My Senior Year was a long year just because the classes were all Economics courses , I liked them but huge brain use as they basically were midterm and final all S A's . My savoir was the photography classes I was taking at local college. Once Again Just before Summer ends Labor Day Weekend WDAI Plays the 3 day in studio produced Woodstock style Concert called Fantasy Park in which I start to Record on the Reel to Reel Tape Deck . I immediately start recording and go to Montgomery Wards to get more Reel to Reels to record the 3 Day Fantasy Park Concert. Once again I stay up the first night and nap through the rest just enough to flip the tape or change it. It was fun to listen to it as improved it and added more groups as they played it sounded pretty real. I do have these 6 Tapes yet too and did convert them to digital some forty years later. As of fate was to give me great introduction to best rock band . The grocery store was still a place I worked part time as I always needed gas money and Album money and now a telephoto lens. The habit, pay day was to buy the Album that was on my mine most but the telephoto lens took priority. Great things were happening as I was perfecting my Photography style. I was hedging toward Landscape and paying for my way with Weddings and Portraits photography. The Choice to stay working for grocery store part time is my what father said you already get health insurance free and you are putting money into a 401 (brand new to the employee instead of pension) so work part time at grocery store plus you could get photo clients from work employees or customers. This was a good strategy and I listened to my father, a truly great decision. My parents were elderly and I understood that they didn't want to drive into the city to see me graduate so they recruited my friend to go and take photos and I understood that as it would be hard on me to worry about them driving in and the long time and driving back. to be continued.......
Entry 10
Flute-Tell Me to My Face, Angry Eyes, Heard It In A Love Song, Strange Way, Forever Autumn, Blinded By The Light, The Year Of The Cat, Feels Like The First Time, Cold As Ice, Peg, Deacon Blue, Nobody Does It Better, Brick House, New Kid In Town, Blinded By The Light, I Wish, Rich Girl, Sir Duke, Pigs on the Wing, Dogs, Sheep, Pigs (Three Different Ones), Josie, Black Cow, Aja, Heroes, Turn to Stone, Mr Blue Sky, Paradise By The Dashboard Light, Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad, Closer To The Heart, We Will Rock You, Are The Champions, Let There Be Rock, Whole Lotta Rosie, Solsbury Hill, Give A Little Bit, Even In The Quietest Moments, Fool's Overture, I Robot, I Wouldn't Want To Be Like You, Breakdown, Some Other Time, Running On Empty,
I was doing a variety of Photo jobs and working allot of hrs at the grocery store too. I still had fun listening to the radio stations calling in to win albums and other things like a WLS Beach Towel, Polaroid Zip Camera, and Concert Tickets. WKQX , WXRT and WDAI were getting my attention for music. But at Late night I was listening to WIND because of Ed Swartz a talk show just about Chicago and the people who make it run all night long, truly great radio with right amount of music with talk. As the holidays were approaching I was working allot of hours at the grocery store. By Christmas I had gotten the telephoto lens with the extra hours around the holidays at the grocery store and starting to get Wedding dates and Portrait photos. I bought a good stereo which had a 8-Track recorder as now I had 2 ways of recording music especially when WKQX was playing the latest release of an album. Spring brought a few more weddings lined up. I did a family photo of a golf pro. I did decide that taking photos at concerts were the perks of the work. The Fleetwood Mac concert convinced me that a Telephoto was the way to go any get best axis to the concert. At the grocery store if you haven't figured it out that it is a great place to meet girls, especially customers. One customer was a ex girlfriend of an ex employee and she was great distraction at work at the grocery store. She talked about having to go a class for her new job on a computer and I immediately thought time to brush up on my skills and went to the college ( the college kept your account open to access as incentive to take graduate classes or more computer classes) to do a little program for her to impress her. It worked but she was more interested in a guy at her work. I started to realize then that I was a good listener and had be able to figure out if I was the subject to flirt with or the listener.
to be continued.......
Entry 11
Flute- Colour My World, You Are The Woman, Dreamboat Annie, Blinded By The Light, Carry on my Wayward Son, Pigs on the Wing, The Year Of The Cat, Night Moves, Hotel California, Lights Out In London, Feels Like The First Time, Cold as Ice, Margaritaville, Peg, Deacon Blue, Whole Lotta Rosie, Nobody Does It Better, Brick House, Mull Of Kintyre, Tonight's The Night, New Kid In Town, Dreams, Sheep, Go Your Own Way, Don't Stop, Telephone Line, The Things We Do For Love, Barracuda, Give a Little Bit, Black Betty, Like a Hurrican, Dogs, Cat Scratch Fever, Fly Like an Eagle, Turn to Stone, Heroes, Lost Without Your Love, You Make Loving Fun, Jet Airliner, Walk This Way, It's So Easy, Handy Man, Songs from the Wood, Solsbury Hill, Lido Shuffle, Rockin' All Over the World, Baby,What a Big Surprise, Sound & Vision, Burnin' Sky, God Save the Queen, Maybe I'm Amazed,
The focus was work and getting good at using the Telephoto lens. I tested out my proficiency with the telephoto lens every chance I got. Nature was brought to me in an instant with this telephoto lens. I found that this is best way to get good at the telephoto lens. There was a short time in all this as should I be putting my science part of my education to work and when I sought may be working in a Lab but once I was avail to a employment opportunity I quickly decide against it and quickly realized that I love creating Art and all that entailed. I began sending my Art to Gallery competitions and to be shown and sold. I also tried a mailer advertisement for my photography skills, it worked OK. But what really worked was while at the grocery store working I would bring the conversation with customers and employees that I was doing Portraits and Weddings. I always let the conversation go to them ask me what I'm doing and how I am and by this time I had already Business cards printed up with my Artwork. To Be Continued....
Flute-Baker Street, Forever Autumn, Strang Way, Lotta Love, Sentimental Lady, We are the Champions, You Really Got Me, Werewolves of London, Dust In The Wind, Two Tickets To Paradise, Miss You, Beast of Burden, Just What I Needed, Who Are You, Paradise By The Dashboard Light, Sultans Of Swing, With A Little Luck, Hot Child In The City, We Will Rock You, My Best Friends Girlfriend,
I needed to get really good at taking photos with the telephoto lens. So I started photographing birds and squirrels, which is not easy with a telephoto lens. Also photographed people in motion, jogging, etc. This is in all to get ready for the ultimate test the Stones Concert at Soldier Field. The Reader (alternative newspaper) was having a Rock concert Photo Contest which was another incentive to do well at the Stones Concert. Working the grocery store was getting me photo gigs as I talked to the customers if we had conversations. I only brought it up if they asked how I was doing. This strategy got me some regular gigs and at the same time the grocery store provided me with Insurance and a 401 . Still fun trying to win concert tickets at WLS and Super CFL. The best thing was when the Stones tickets went on sale it was at Solders Field so they would sell standing room tickets if it got to that and would be like 70 thousand tickets. It would be easy to get around with group of people and photograph the concert. The tickets went on sale and I got 2 nose bleed seats by the Pillars. The concert was July 8th, it was a normal July day Hot!! The way to go was to take the train in as 70,000 people descending to one basic place Soldiers Field is not a car event. In the past taking the train to go to school made a easy decision to avoid the driving headache. Bringing in cameras was OK then. I had Cannon with a Regular lens and a long telephoto lens and 10 rolls of film. The Stones would be coming out with sun at my back so very good photographing conditions. There was a couple of groups going on first so it was a long hot afternoon. I spent the afternoon scouting out best lines of sight on photographing the Rolling Stones. It was pretty easy to walk around as the heat kept most people very docile. The Stones were to go on around 7 PM. It was the heat that was the crowd control. As the Rolling Stones came out it was my chance to climb to walkway beside the stage to get the best shots right away as the sun is in perfect position to get great shots. Mick and Ronnie came up close so the great shots were in the can. Since Soldier Field is wide and long Mick literarily had to run from side to side an also had an island to run out to, so the great shots came my way early. Good thing because Mick spent the next 2 plus hours running from one side to the other and then to the island. I took 10 rolls of film and used most of it. Wanted to keep some for Chicago city night shots. Truly a great night. The next day I had dropped off the film at a camera store where they do their developing on site. It was just right shots at the right time of the day. Just great position as Mick is playing the guitar, Ronnie Wood lets go a puff off his cigarette and sun angle highlights his exhale of smoke. A great opportunity came as I showed the Stones photos to a great women truly a free spirit, a little older, but wanted to see the Eagles, she said they are at Milwaukee Co. stadium. Last minute tickets, she said you bring the camera, I'll get the tickets. I had no doubt she would have the tickets, the smile and most confident woman I knew. It was a great concert Steve Miller opening for them. Truly a great day and got do more shots with the telephoto lens. The band touring for their Live Album that got my attention long ago because of Flutist Ray Thomas of the Moody Blues, their songs just great, Legend of a Mind and Have You Heard pt. 1&2 just had be seen live so I went on a date Oct 10th to their concert just a great nite and with photos. to be continued......
Entry 13
"The Logical Song",Take The Long Way Home, Heart Of Glass, Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin, I Want You To Want Me, Highway To Hell, My Sharona, "Heartbreaker", Don't Bring Me Down", Message In A Bottle","Walking On The Moon" Refugee" "Don't Do Me Like That", Another Brick In The Wall, Babe, London Calling, What a Fool Believes, Sultans of Swing, Heartache Tonight, Everytime I Think of You, We've Got Tonight, Goodbye Stranger, I Wanna Be Your Lover, Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough, Is She Really Going Out With Him?,
The year started good did a variety of photo
jobs including family reunion, family photo,variety of pet photos an even car
accident damage photos. A friend bought a ticket for Fleetwood Mac for me to
photograph for photos to be a present for his girlfriend as they went to the
concert that night, Over time this how I photographed many rock stars. Working
part time at the grocery store gave me access to potential customers only when
they inquired about how photography was going, and would get a photo job. The
other great reason to work at a grocery store when your young is daughters would
come in with their mothers plus it didn't hurt that it was at a mall. The grocery
store produced a couple of weddings right away. This where being in the right
place at the right time. The produce manger was talking about going to Disco
demolition July 12th and all you needed a disco record for admission. It sounded
like something worth going more fore for me as photograph it. There was 6 of
us going to go for variety of reasons, from they listen to Steve Dahl to actually
want watch the double header. We got there around 3rd inning of first game,
and us seemed be having fun for not really hanging out regular basis. As everyone
knows it was great case of perfect things to happen which 3 from our group decided
it would fun to join in the people running out on the felid. Yes, I with the
camera ,the safest place was for me was to sit back and photograph the events.
We three in the seats saw our 3 on the field get arrested. Lucky the Produce
Manager with our ride stayed back and had to decide what next. When we got outside
the stadium, there was police everywhere and we decided to ask where the arrested
where being taken.The surreal scene outside the stadium was to ask the police
man on horseback the obvious question where do we go to bail out our friends
that were arrested. I Myself seemed to be attracting attention with my camera
in hand. The basic question do I continue to take photos and risk arrest or
do the logical and go with others to bail out our friends. Yes I played it safe
remembering 68 democratic convention. We went the police station and they told
us around 2am let go with no arrest. I told the guys can you take me to the
train station as I had to work at 8am and I knew the last train was about about
midnight because taking the train in the winter to school. They delivered me
just before midnight and just caught the last one to the northern suburbs. The
next thing I was going to do is call my father and wake him to come pick me
up at the train station and give a ride to my car so I can go home and get some
sleep before work. The day at work was long and all had got back and a couple
had to work in the afternoon. I got some great photos at Disco Demo. A new opportunity
came up Foreigner the word is out, buy the tickets, get photos of the concert,
great fun the Andy Fran let me go all over with my camera, great photos. My
father mentioned to me to bring me back to my computer roots that my alma mata
is contributing to the Star Wars movie. These girls and guys have created some
of the best computer graphics by some the best computer code and graphics people
in the country. We will hear from them again. My father is always bringing me
into focus. Yes I have interest to pursue the computer side of Art and Design.
to be contined.....
Entry 14
Back in Black, Hells Bells, "The Spirit Of Radio". "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" Against The Wind, Brass In Pocket, Sanctuary, Running Free, Call Me, Train In Vain, Games Without Frontiers, It's Still Rock & Roll To Me, Let My Love Open The Door, Don't Stand So Close To Me, Crazy Train, Hungry Heart, "Keep On Loving You", While You See A Chance, Hit Me With Your Best Shot, Emotional Rescue, Ashes to Ashes, Starting Over, Ace Of Spades, Coming Up, Another Brick in the Wall,
Sending out my artwork to galleries
to east coast mainly, selling a few hear and there. Still working part time
at the grocery store as my 401 is looking good as I put in the highest amount
in. Another opportunity to photograph Fleetwood Mac, a girl who hired me to
photograph some damage on her car (accident) and she had bought tickets, at
the Rosemont Horizon, May 15th, she wanted great photos and she got great tickets
for me and her me and for me to photograph them. The telephoto lens brought
me right up to them to get excellent photos. Another opportunity to photograph
a rock band, This time Journey Sept. 1st, a friend of mine liked Journey so
much, she said she bought 2 tickets, one for me one for her, the boyfriend stays
home, great seats. I got some great shots, she wanted a couple photos and one
11x14, easy and fun. Yes, I was still trying to win stuff from the radio stations
especially since I got so good at it. I was coming home from a job when the
Loop (Rock station) said it was giving away sets of 4 ACDC tickets and dinner
for 4 at some new Restaurant all to support the Back in Black tour. So this
is a challenge I can't pass it up. Some time that week I had time to try and
on the first try I got in and won dinner for 4 and 4 tickets to ACDC at Rosemont
Horizon Sept. 20th from the Loop They said they would mail the Restaurant gift
certificate, the 4 tickets will be under my name at the Rosemont Horizon as
the concert was less than a week away. The seats were Fantastic seats for taking
photos with my camera and the telephoto lens. The Giant Bell to announce the
begriming of the concert with Hells Bells and concert got even better. I got
some great photos. I remember thinking the guitarist with school boy uniform
was very good and had to get some great photos. We had allot of fun and we 4
had a wide range of music tastes but all of us loved it. I took the girl who
hired me to photograph another concert and sold the 2 other tickets to a friend
for just gas and Taco Bell money. My friend and I knew that we saw a new power
house Rock band. A Fun year for Rock concerts. To be contined.....
Entry 15
Flute-Lotta Love, Down Under, Start Me Up, In the Air Tonight, The Tide is High Tonight, While You See a Chance, Rapture, The Best of Times, Woman, Betty Davis Eyes, Private Eyes, The Stroke, All Those Years Ago, Jessi's Girl, Stop Draggin' My Heart Around, Who's Crying Now, Don't Stop Believing, Open Arms, Our Lips are Sealed, Tainted Love, Under Pressure, Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic, For Those About To Rock - We Salute You, Tonight I'm Yours, Young Turks, (Just Like) Starting Over, Keep on Loving You, Imagine, Every Little Thing She Does is Magic, Let's Groove, De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da, Urgent, Passion, Hold on Tight, Abacab, Watching the Wheels,Tak it on the Run, Waiting on a Friend, You Better You Bet, Gemini Dream, Hey Nineteen, Come an' Get It, Discipline,
The year started out good with me sending some of my Art Work to some east coast galleries for shows and possible selling them. The Stones are coming to Rosemont Horizon and Tickets are going on sale. I had been working allot and getting up early to stand in line wasn't a good option, work was a priority. Called my dad and asked if he could do a big favor, sure he said (retired) can you stand in line and buy me 4 Tickets to the Rolling Stone, I'll give you money, he said yes. I gave him the details when for when the tickets go sale. A woman I worked with at the food store when I was making extra money and getting health insurance asked me if I can do less than 8 hours when you do weddings. (I had brought up my Photo business in conversation with Customers and Employees if it fit in the topic) I said yes. I charge by the hour with a minimum of 4 hours. She said, My mother is remarrying and us kids are paying for the Photographer as a Wedding present. She would like to meet you and possibly hire you. So when I met with her, we got along good and said my kids want to hire you for six hours. Sounds good. The conversation went to her work and she says she works at Ticketron in Carson's. I immediately said I will do the Wedding for free if you can get me 4 tickets to the Rolling Stones when they go on sale and then said I will give you the money for the 4 tickets. She looked at her daughter and she shook her head, Yes. So I don't know for sure if she will be working that day the tickets go on sale, so either I got 4 tickets to the Rolling Stones or I making about $480.00 on a Wedding. Either way good thing, meanwhile Chicago Sun Times Paper is giving away 5 pairs Tickets to the Rolling Stones, and I am thinking no guarantee my father gets any or the lady who works at Ticketron works that day of Stones tickets go on sale, so I enter the contest. So all I can do is wait for the day they go on sale. Meanwhile working at the food store to keep my Health Insurance and making extra money between photo jobs. The day of Rolling Stones tickets go on sale I was working at the Food store for 8 hrs. I don't hear anything from my father or the lady who works at Ticketron that day, so I am thinking the worse. The next day my dad calls and says when are you coming to pick up the tickets. I was cheering, did you have fun waiting line in line, he said yes and said one guy said I wish I had father that would do this for me, I just smiled, how about tomorrow, my dad said, spend some time with your mother, OK, I said you got it. I almost forgot about the Ticketron lady and hear nothing so I was not real hopeful. That weekend I worked at the food store and the daughter was working and handed me an envelope with 4 Tickets to the Rolling Stones and my change. She said it was very nice to do this wedding for us. She never looked at the seats and her mother did not say anything other the girls let me go first because the tickets were getting my wedding photos. The tickets were 4 Front Row seats to the Rolling Stones. Needless to say I did a 5 Star package for her wedding. So now I have 8 tickets to the Rolling Stones. The next question, who do I take (not dating anyone) and what about the 6 other tickets. I had an idea on who the other 2 front row tickets I should sell to but not sell at huge price, enough just to get something for my dad for getting me 4 tickets for me. A friend who was in my corner when starting the Photography business, no doubting, no judgment just a support that friend would do, plus he was never a great fan of the Stones until Waiting for Friend and Start me Up. I asked if he wanted to buy them and said hell yea. I said bring who ever you want let's have a good time. I also said I have 4 more reg seats to sell and he said lets make it a party, see if our mutual friends want to go. We lined up 4 more as it was easy now 8 of us are going to Rolling Stones concert. Seemed eerily like the Disco Demolition get together but with different people. I made just enough extra selling the tickets to cover gas, film, and Taco Bell after the show. Now the the real hard thing was who I was going to take, no one really I wanted get ones attention. The word got out at the food store where I worked and a variety of Ladies had expressed there interest as is a really hot married woman. I thought she was kidding about it but as time went on I thought she was serious. Drama is not what I need right now. So the thing about working at a food store, there is a secret male employees realize is that allot daughters shopping with there mothers, often just to catch up with them, bond, and some to meet guys. The point is, I have this girl that comes in and very often comes to talk to me as her mother shops. She is very nice and her mother always says hello to me. They live at the apartments not far and her mother is single mother so I look as this for the daughter an experience for her that she just has fun, and I can Photograph the Stones. So the next is to ask her but I am going to ask the mother if is good idea. So the next time I see the mother I ask if I can ask her daughter to Stones concert and she says go for it, she isn't seeing anyone at the time. The next time the girl comes in I ask her if she wants to go and says yes. So I don't tell they are front row as it isn't important and I can have fun and be able to photograph the Stones. In fact I don't she knew until us 4 walked to the front row and the look on her face was priceless. So my friend decided to take his sister (who I knew and thought once again great choice as he not dating anyone that needs to be impressed ) To add to the fun my father called and said my name is in the Suntimes paper as one of five people winning a pair of Stones tickets. Now when it rains it pours. So now, pick the 2 to go as now 10 of us are going. Now this is just fun now and I can fund something good for dad who had stood in line to get 4 of the tickets. In between all this I am doing photo jobs and still working at the food store as am getting big jobs ( like Weddings) from the employees and customers of the food store. A friend of mine said she had tickets to Foreigner and will I photograph them for her and another great night of music. Well it is time to get this Stones concert foray together. 10 of us going in 4 cars, this should be interesting. This is still when cameras are let in, so with my front row lighting, I am bringing 6 rolls of film 100 and 200 and 1- 400, my camera and 2 lens (wide angle and telephoto) beside a standard lens. We get on time and my date still doesn't know the seats are front roll. As the concert started my friend and sister arrives. Everyone stands up and we get up and we are having fun, the other 6 friends we have no idea where their seats are, but at this point who cares. While I am taking photos my friend gets in a little shoving match with row back, something about a guy groping his sister. So security comes and they talked to my friend and got the guy behind us kicked out, for a while I thought they would take us all out, but apparently security saw the problem guy. Well the rest of the concert was great got some great photos and we had fun even though no real dates, just fun going to see the Stones with front row seats. Truly a great night I got to the see and photograph the Stones with front row seats. We did buy T Shirts and on the way home as usual stop at Taco Bell. We did not see the other 6 friends until later that week, had a little fun at their expense, asked if the binoculars helped. Had the photos developed the next day at my reg. camera store. The photos came out great. The girl I took to the concert was thrilled but we just were never going to date as age difference was the issue (she was more mature, just kidding). I did date her sister 7 years later. Now that was an instant attraction. (More on that-- 7 entries from now) To be continued....
Entry 16
Waiting for a Girl Like You, Harden My Heart, Shake it Up, I Love Rock n Roll, Centerfold, We Got the Beat, Run to the Hills, Heart of the Moment, You Got Another Thing Coming, Eye of the Tiger, Only the Lonely, Hurts So Good, Southern Cross, Rock this Town, Do You Really Want to Hurt Me, Abracadabra, Jack and Diane, Hard to Say I'm Sorry, Ebony and Ivory, Rosana, It's Raining Again, Der Kommissar, Rock the Casbah, Eye in the Sky, Goody Two Shoes, We Got the Beat, Dirty Laundry, Rock This Town, Back on the Chain Gang, Twilight Zone, Shock the Monkey, Going to a Go Go, Crimson and Clover
Weddings started the year off add with a few family photos most of them from employee or customer contacts from the food store. I thought about leaving the food store, but my father came in with good reasons not to, 1st you getting health insurance just by showing up 12 hrs a week, 2nd you get to put money in new thing 401's for the future, 3rd most, more than 50 % of all my photo jobs come from conversations at the food store with customers and employees. As I look back at this decision staying at the food store kept producing dividends including in my present day as I write this. This was interesting year, in that this year The Who is touring so it is time to see them it is the so called farewell tour, Oct. 5th. So as I remember the general thought was that, retired until they are offered big bucks to tour again, I beleive they retired 2 times again a recurring concept and ploy by bands to follow. This is the year I date a woman 8 years older than me and one of places I took her to the Who concert, took some great photos of the Who, allot of fun all year. This is also the year my neighbor in the apartments asked me help her to decorate her Christmas tree. Sent allot of my work to East coast galleries, sold some.To be continued...
Entry 17
Photograph, Suday Bloody Sunday, Legs, Twilight Zone, Der Kommissar, Lets Dance, Little Red Corvette, Every Breath You Take, Come Dancing, Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This), Karma Chameleon, Burning Down The House, Cum On Feel The Noize, Maneater, Africa, Billie Jean, Beat It, You Can't Hurry Love, Baby Jane, 1999, Mr Roboto, I'm Still Standing, Undercover of the Night, Mama, Cruel Summer, Separate Ways, Twisting by the Pool, Stand Back, Shout at the Devil, China Girl, White Wedding,
Another start of a good year, sending my artwork to galleries. Got a few weddings lined up and all come from my food store part time job, 2 customers and one employee son's wedding. This year photographing Styx and ZZ Top. I got this job for a family portrait from one the conversation about food alergies from a customer inquiering about dairy substitutes and she said are you the photographer my neighbor said is real good. I said yes and we set up a day to do it. After the portrait she asked if I do travel or landscapes photography. I said in U.S. I have done a variety but my goal is to visit my heritage 100% Finnish and then all the places James Bond movies where filmed, my second fum was movies. She said she was travel agent and if I needed help to get to those places she can help. Meanwhile a friend of mine said he got row 12 seats at the Rosemont Horizon for ZZ Top and one seat is for me, bring my camera and telephoto lens. I became a fan of ZZ Top. Got great photos and my friend ordered a 24 x 30 photo and a couple of 8x10s. It didn't take long and I was ready to seek out my photograhic journey to other countries. My journey was set up later in the year. She had me fly into Helsinki and she got me a Erailpass which also can be used on the tour boats between Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark {Sila Lines} which just like the trains in other parts of Europe, sleep on boat or train at night and wake up the next morning at your destination. So this is my next journey into a experience of music I really was again not see coming which was these Ships from country to country at night which basic Enertainment cruise, Music, gambling, food and tax free Liquor. I was sleeping most nights so to be fresh for Stockholm and Copenhagen. This truly was fun and was great photo fun, including (night train) to Santa Land in northern Finland just inside the Artic circle, where once again American influence in this little town a Camero rumbling down the street playing BTO You ain't seen nothing yet. What was the begining of my journey to see the world. What will be a great relationship with my travel agent. She discovered I really didn't have a work schedule so she said how fast can you pack up and travel and I said pretty much in a day or two. She then told me about airlines wanting to fill the plane (really reduced prices) as they go across to Europe or on the west coast to Asia and Australia. She said is basically she lets me about 24 hrs out, tells me the price and if I want to go. I said sign me up. Yes this is going to be fun. When I got back some friends of mine had came up with the idea the Styx concert, free ticket for me, bring my camera and telephoto lens (row 21) I get to treat Taco Bell after the show, sounded good. Once again I got great photos, lots of fun and they wanted a couple of 8 x 10's. To be continued.....
Owner of a Lonely Heart, Oh Sherrie, Sister Cristian,Talking in Your Sleep, Runaway, Cruel Summer, Rock Me Like a Hurricane, Caribbean Queen, Jump, Girls Just Want to Have Fun, Thriller, Footloose, I'm So Excited, Against All Odds, Hold Me Now, The Reflex, Dancing In The Dark, Wake Me Up Before You Go Go, Round and Round, When Doves Cry, Rebel Yell, Valotte, We're Not Gonna Take It, What's Love Got To Do With It, Drive, Pride (In The Name Of Love)
Entry 18
This year is starting out well, a lady friend who hired me before gave my name to her friend and she hired me for a Journey Concert. She had great seats and it was fun and I got the feeling it was more of a blind date. Really nice to look at but a little too much high mantinance. Also with a couple of weddings and a few portraits. I was approached for me to photograph the Jefferson Starship and I said I am in, Aug the 26th at Popular Creek. My travel agent friend called and asked, got a wedding this weekend, I said no. she said they need to fill seats Paris route 99 dollars round trip out of Boston and I can get you 79 dollars round trip out of Milwaukee to Boston. (same distance to Milwaukee as Chicago for me) I'm going with a friend, this is a first of many trips I take because this friendship I formed with my travel agent friend. to be continued....
Suggestions - Long Lost Songs - Music to Find
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8 Track Fridays is about playing the Music that you Listened to as it went Mobile in your Car. The Mustang, one of the first cars to have 8-Track Players which was Developed by William Lear of Lear jets.
Columbia Tape Club secured 8-Track special editions just to the club members that were never issued to the general public and are still great sets of music of Rock groups or Stars that is the only way to acquire these sets of music .
Headphone Saturday Nights is Music that is meant to be Listen to with Headphones. Koss headphones were the coveted headphones of the day.
Fantasy Park was an Music Festival that was completely created in studio to simulate a Woodstock type 3 Day Concert with announcers of the acts and also to the audience as if it is happening before their eyes. The use of audience sounds as if each act came to the imaginary stage and played before them. It was played on over 200 radio stations in 1975 and 1976. It was very successful. It was created at KNUS, Dallas. Producer Steven Blackson and Host Fred Kennedy with Rod Serling (Twilite Zone, Night Gallery) was the moderator on the hour to say the Fantasy Park concert the best concert that never happened. The Chicago broadcast WDAI (now WLS-FM) edited out allot of Serlings announcements with local comment or Serlings announcements not played at all. I myself Spent 2 plus days recording it on Reel To Reel (12 Reel to Reels- both sides-Speed 3.75) which I still have today. I was contacted by Director Rachel Mills who is directing a short documentary about Fantasy Park and was looking for a copy of Fantasy Park because the creators of Fantasy Park did not have a copy of it. I chose not to give it to them because the offer was a foot note in the documentary. I'm hoping she has better handle on what Fantasy Park is and what it really physically occupies now that she said she has found a copy. Hopefully not a second generation copy. Look for the documentary 2020 as is the 45th anniversary of Fantasy Park. We will be playing Fantasy Park when the documentary on Fantasy Park is aired, and as we have in the past, the 46th anniversary 2021 as years in the past. This radio station's goal is to provide the best music ever produced,
Suggestions - Long Lost Songs - Music to Find
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Our Station plays Album sides and full albums everyday because we feel the album concept is deeply ingrained and we want to keep that in our playing of the best rock ever created.
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