We Stream Wave.- Better Sound -Better Music
With an Environmental conscience
We believe it is our duty to keep the earths environment as natural as possible and recycle everything that is possible. So to have the best environment to create and play the best music in the world.
Our new Goal is to purchase a small herd of Buffalo (at least 5or 6) we already have the money for it. We want the Buffalo to be put on grasslands set aside in Illinois to reestablish Buffalo in America as original prairie residents. All we need is a place they can go and be back as a part Illinois wildlife. One of my ideas is put a small herd (5 or 6) on Landfills, but that was dashed, the Illinois EPA has said it would not permit it as the Buffalo would damage the rubber lining. Wild life really can't live on landfills as they said that wild life could. I hope they are checking for damage as Raccoons, Skunks and Possums are very destructive. Contact us if you know of a place our Buffalo can go. Info where our Buffalo can roam
This is our Journey so far.
We contacted the Lake county Forest Preserve and they suggested try Fermi Lab as they have had Buffalo on their property since the 60's
We contacted the Fermi Lab and they asked us why we were contacting them.
We tried to enlist PBS help in locating a place for our Buffalo when they sent out their donation E-mail to raise money for their station but no response.
We have not heard anything from PBS yet.
We contacted Ken Burns via his Web Site.
We have heard from Ken Burns and he suggested contacting Nature Conservancy of Illinois as they were highlighted on the Buffalo documentary.
So we E-Mail the Nature Conservancy of Illinois this week 4/24
We heard from Illinois Nature Conservancy on Buffalo this last week. 5/24The person who called me seemed to be a nice guy but not really prepared as he seemed like he treated me like I was just a tourist asking questions on a tour of of the facility. He did not really seem to know much about me or what I was contacting them for. It was something of a cold sales call atmosphere, like he was voted to return my call. Once I told him why I contacted them, which I had put in my E-Mail, he seemed to come around and the fact I was serious about putting Buffalo back on Illinois Prairie it went better. I told him about possible thoughts of locations and the possible use Land Fills as possible Buffalo repopulation areas. He seemed he wanted for me to put my Buffalo and money with the Nature Conservancy facility by Dixon Illinois where he is .He seemed to try to scare me with the costs of trying to do any thing else. Including trying to make my LandFill idea bad. He also said there was no Native america area in Illinois were this placement of Buffalo could occur. I said if that is the case, I want come see your facility there, when is the best time. He said that is in June or July, it seemed odd he didn't say right away, I would of went down this weekend, but hey maybe they spruce up the place for visitors. Yes you hear a little sarcastic tone but the guy had not did the basic research on me or my station, he did not go to my station or any other of my sites.. I myself if someone wanted to help in restoring the prairie with Buffalo I would be doing my research on them by giving all the info and ideas possible to help them make it happen. I will go down to the Nature Conservancy, but show up sooner. No worries they probability won't go to our site even though I suggested it. At the end of the call. I asked if he visited any my web sites, the station or others, as he said no. He seemed like a OK guy just maybe not the guy to sell the idea of the goals of Nature Conservancy. This just makes me wonder why they would prefer to funnel my efforts to them as to help me expand the locations of Buffalo in Illinois. My effort goes on. But as this response from Nature Conservancy seems a little strange and like they would prefer not to be helpful in my Quest.
I contacted the Water Reclamation Dept. as I thought they may have on some insight on areas that are open and possible suited for a my Buffalo.
The Water Reclamation Dept. contacted me right away and said that they do not have any info areas but said it is great project and good luck. They suggested contacting our Congressman as they have a wealth of contacts, possible help for you.
So the next step is to contact my Congressman and see if they can give me some contacts or ideas on a location for my Buffalo.
PBS keeps sending me requests for donations by E Mail so I respond to them asking for help in finding a location for my Buffalo but no response. Sooner or later someone will point them to our radio station, but for now it is funny they did this big thing on Buffalo with Ken Burns and Ken Burns was nice enough to help with info and PBS has ignored us completely. As of late got a E- mail saying they passed it on to somebody, not real specific, my money is on the politicians on being more helpful.
Well I sent off my proposals about Landfills and Buffalo to a variety of local politicians, local and national, now to see if they respond.
So far 2 Politicians have responded and we are off to good start, lets see how helpful they are. On next entry I will give details as see what their office suggests.
Still waiting if PBS is going even respond.
Well we heard our from a couple of our elected officials, Brad Johnson sent a link to a web site but no insight on my question. On the other hand Ms. Mason's team did the research and gave us the info we needed (great job, very impressed) and we can now move on to a new ideas as Illinois EPA said Buffalo would damage the lining of the landfill (we welcome any thoughts or ideas ) for a place for my herd of Buffalo can roam.
This is a response from PBS WTTW sent to me after I just used their plea for funds (6 times between Thanksgiving and Xmas) and use reply back to ask PBS to help me find a place for my small herd of Buffalo to restablish Buffalo on the plains of Illlinois again.
( I Just Copy and Paste the response)
Hello Arthur,
Thank you for reaching out to us. We appreciate your feedback and support.
Please be assured that I have passed this information along to my supervisors.
They will reach out to you directly if they see fit.
Support and feedback from our members and audience make everything we do possible.
If we can be of assistance in the future, please don’t hesitate to let
us know. Thank you.
Sheri Tarrer | Member and Audience Experience
5400 N Saint Louis Ave | Chicago IL 60625
wttw | wfmt
t: 773.509.1111 ext. 6
You read what it says. So we move on.
We don't give up, new ideas, new contacts, new places, we would love hear from you, call, text or E-Mail.
The Things we do as a Radio Station to be as green as possible.
Our Radio Station is run by One Laptop and the Music resides on a 4 Laptop network which each laptop is the specific source of either LP, 8-Track, Cassette or Reel to Reel conversion to wave.
The 8-Track Player we use to play and convert the music (Inline to Computer) is a Refurbished one that is 40 plus years old.
We also stream live the Music of the Rock Stars when we are converting an 8 Track to a Digital
We search high and low for old Albums, 8-Track tapes, Cassette tapes and especially Reel to Reel tapes and convert to digital as not to purchase new if any way possible.
We recycle as much as possible from dropping off electronics, batteries, appliances, light bulbs, and computers to our local recycling station.
We choose as local and organic and products as green as possible in every decision.
We have gone paperless.
We grow a good part of our fruit and vegees and you can see our progress at Have Compost Will Garden
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